Cups/Ingrid's Village

WE CELEBRATE THE KINDNESS of those who made the garbage dump feeding a great success! This year the ministry to these poorest of people will be the best ever. Praise the Lord! If you still want to share in this ministry you can by using the PayPal button at the lower left. THANK YOU to all who sponsor the children monthly. This mission goes on strong because of your monthly partnership with CUPS. You are all a blessing to the children and their families. You are also an encouragement to our team.
Cups Of Cold Water rescues children through life skills education, personal mentoring, reading programs, English language training, health care, and family assistance. Our ministry also is feeding the poor living in a dump, and serving an orphanage. Our Christian team is bringing positive change to an entire area of the Dominican Republic. The plan is working!
Around the world educational and social injustice is rampant. Many children are without proper nutrition, clean water, or opportunity for advancement. Seeing these beautiful children in hopeless conditions breaks our hearts, especially when help from loving Christians around the world is so very close to them. In many places hunger has become the norm. In many places contaminated water is the only water available. In many places poverty has forced young girls and boys into enslavement by the human trafficking industry to support themselves and their family. This may seem isolated to us in North America, but is it happening to over 20 million girls every year around the world. It is happening within the reach of the Christian church, within your reach. It is unconscionable to know that in 2015, easily reachable children are still without the basics of human dignity and justice.
The Cups Of Cold Water Project team has determined that this bleak outlook will not be the description of our Dominican village. Our missionary team has chosen to take a concentrated approach in the midst of a central human trafficking area in the Dominican. To accomplish this task we are utilizing our own Sewing For Souls discipleship program, teaching young girls self-worth, self-esteem, life skills, sewing, cooking, craft making, and providing personal one to one discipleship. Sewing For Souls is a full program of life enrichment program. We are providing discipleship life skills for young boys though our Boy's Life athletic program. We are educating the adult community through English language classes and Family enrichment programs.
Every week the CUPS weekly feeding ministry touches the lives of the poorest of Haitian refugees and poor Dominicans living in sub-human conditions at the city garbage dump. Our movie truck brings Christian evangelical films to remote villages. Our finances include the support of a PRC which includes a "Healthy Mommy-Baby" program. Our Bible College classes are being provided in multiple communities. We have built homes, community centers, educational buildings, churches, and water purification systems. Our Summer street ministry teams are sharing the love of Jesus with the sex-trafficked girls working the streets of Sosua. CUPS Team members are delivering a message of transformation! They are providing sustainable Christian ministry to a local orphanage. These are ministries that make our communities different! It is the most sustainable method we have found to touch the lives a large number of children, and their families. With God's help, we have seen a community moved from at-risk to thriving. The children in our villages have smiling faces for a reason... they have hope... they have a future.
We have great partners! We are asking God to bring us 365 families who will partner with us for $24 a month. It is hard to believe it, but with that support we can efficiently operate the day to day activities of the mission. Will you be one of our precious partners in transformation? Every dollar of your gift is meaningful, valuable, and used in a life transforming way. Cups Of Cold Water is a sustainable program that is seeing life changing success! Certainly we are still receiving one time gifts in kind to support the dump feeding program. You can always make any type of Gift to your Cups Of Cold Water mission.
Become a partner with us in the life change of these girls and boys. It is 2015, human trafficking should not be happening anymore... anywhere. Unfortunately the Dominican Republic ranks #4 in the world for human trafficking. Together we are making a difference here! Join us today. We have chosen PayPal as it is the safest way to support us online. Thank you for being a part of the solution. PLEASE BECOME A PARTNER TODAY!
Mike & Terica Williams, US Director